Feedback profile - Bboarder

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  • Feedback summary

    Feedback score
    3 (+2 /0 /-1)
    Positive feedback (last 12 months)
    Received as seller
    Received as buyer
    I am a buyer posting feedback on Bboarder as seller
    Hit CTB, contacted within 24 hours, picked up item in 48 hours
    I am a buyer posting feedback on Bboarder as seller
    Hit commit to buy, backed out
    Inquired about something I was selling, asked if I would bring to Glenburnie/Pasadena and I said no, pickup only.

    He hit commit to buy, I said ok when can you come get it, still tried to get me to deliver.

    I said still pickup only, day later backs out of deal.
    I am a seller posting feedback on Bboarder as buyer
    Couldn't have been a faster or smoother transaction. Nice Guy.
    Texted Bob about what he had. He got back to me quick and we met up within 30 minutes and concluded the deal. super nice guy and was easy to work with.
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